The beginning of the Meegahakiula Provincial Council and the expansion to date are brief
According to the classification of provinces in Sri Lanka, Uva province is considered to be the leading category in conjunction with other provinces. Uva Province consists of 02 administrative districts namely Badulla and Monaragala. Meegahakiula Provincial Council area located in Badulla district consists of 20 Grama Niladhari wards with an area of 105Km2 square kilometers.
Meegahakiula Provincial Council is located at a distance of 23 km from Badulla, the main administrative town of Uva Province
Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims live in the area, and out of the total population of 25,122, the rural population consists of 22,550 rural and 2,572 estate people. According to the Divisional Secretariat Division, the percentage of population according to the population is Sinhala 89.62%, Sri Lankan Tamil, 10.03%, Indian Tamil 0.00%, Sri Lanka Yonaka 0.06% and others 0.27%. (Source 2021, according to Meegahakiula Divisional Secretariat Resource Profile Report)
Paddy cultivation and hemp cultivation are the main source of income for the people of Meegahakiula area, where agriculture is the main source of livelihood.In addition to paddy cultivation, tea is the main economic crop for maize cultivation. Horticulture is found in a considerable proportion of the area of the area, while coffee, pepper, pudding, coconut husk, sesame seeds, moong, vegetables and fruits are grown on a small scale.In addition to the main economic activities, self-employment, animal husbandry is also common in the area, and there are also ways to earn income through cattle rearing, poultry farming, etc.
In terms of education and public facilities, there are 22 government schools and 28 pre-schools, with 4,810 students studying. 28 farmers' organizations, 20 adult organizations, 14 women's organizations, 30 village development societies and 24 youth clubs are actively contributing to the economic and social development of the area.
The migahakiula area was initially under the control of the village councils, while K.M. Mr. Gunasekara Bandara and Mr. D.M. Dingiri Hami have served as Vice-Chairman and the Village Council system continued until 1980. After the Development Council Act No. 35 of 1980, the Village Council functioned as the Development Council until 1988.
After the implementation of the Provincial Council Act No. 15 of 1987, the Meegahakiula Development Council was established in 1988 under the name Of Meegahakiula Regional Council. In the first local government election held in 1988, Mr. D.M. Appu Hami representing the United National Party was elected as the first Hon. Chairman of the Meegahakiula Provincial Council with the vote of the majority of the people of the Meegahakiula Provincial Council constituency. According to the Provincial Council Act of 1987, a Chairman had full powers. This Council consisted of a House of 09 Members.
Accordingly, in the local government elections held in 1991, the DM was elected according to the wishes of the majority of the people. Mr. Appuhami has been reappointed as chairman. From 1988 to 1997, he served as the Chairman of the Meegahakiula Provincial Council and performed a great social service by identifying the needs of the people of the Provincial Council area.
Chairman’s name
Mr. S.M.L.H. Jayewardene
2018 - 2023
Mr. D.M. Jayantha Chandraratne
2011 - 2015
Mr. D.M.Sumanapala
2006 - 2011
Mr. D.B. Ananda Karunanayake
1997 - 2006
Mr. D.M.Appuhami
1988 - 1997